What are Keybase teams? A Keybase team is a group of people who can communicate with end-to-end cryptography. This means the team's chats and files cannot be read by anyone outside the team, not even someone...
Signals and Systems was developed in 1987 as a distance-education course for engineers. An introduction to analog and digital signal processing, including discrete- and continuous-time signals, linear time-invariant systems, feedback, and data processing.
Hi all This is my first-time share something in this channel. recently I was grinding a database design paper announced from facebook named scuba. https://research.fb.com/publications/scuba-diving-into-data-at-facebook/ The paper was published for quite a long time. But the memory data storage partition and data aggregation design really hole my eye on it. Besides database design, we can also learn a lot about database benchmark. last, hope you have a great gain from the paper.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, ‘threads’ were a programming novelty rarely used and seldom trusted. In that environment, the first PostgreSQL developers decided forking a process for each...
Distributed systems enable different areas of a business to build specific applications to support their needs and drive insight and innovation. While great for the business, this new normal can re...