ℹ️ I wanted great mouse & trackpad support in Broadcasts so that it feels perfect on the new iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard. The Command menu helps you perform tasks quickly with the trackpad, and tooltips annotate all the core UI elements nicely https://t.co/FFwc8Z7qX0 https://t.co/TgdRwdYfYU
Free Python course materials! I put in a FOIA request to the NSA for their Python training materials and got back a 400-page printout of their COMP 3321 training course. So, I scanned and OCR'd it. Here is a PDF (warning: 118 MB) https://t.co/i1Fxe6G4MJ
You aren't a Go, or Rust, or Java, or Python, or JavaScript developer (unless you are writing those languages). In reality you are a developer who uses language X to solve Y problems. You can learn new languages and paradigms. Don't get stuck in the I am an X developer.
Not everything was perfect in 1995, but I think we've lost something on the way. Some remarks: 1) Underlined letters indicate keyboard shortcuts. How handy! 2) Design clearly says: "We are buttons!". It's easy to find the wanted button, because they have some color. 1/3
This post is the last community roundup before the holiday break, and we certainly have some holiday cheer for you. Thanks to all the blog authors, and check out the end of the post for a fun holiday-break project! Go blue/green with your Cloud Foundry app from WebIDE with Azure DevOps One-click deploys are empowering,
Today learn agrep => approximative grep. Based on Levenshtein distances, it's possible to search for words looking alike a word. https://t.co/3FsInURmeo I'm using it for my personal note taking tools. Knowledge organisation is powerfull!! Cc @nixcraft @climagic
Several people asked which essays are my favorites: https://t.co/yFNe1NW55B https://t.co/HdUSjESNGl https://t.co/ASjOx0YHUu https://t.co/XNW3ov6yXQ https://t.co/Ww2vBKYMt9 https://t.co/GQ6IECES02 https://t.co/jOQbXXji14 https://t.co/52xghlUODR https://t.co/oMGkyfOQ4H
We could build a "dictionary" of 829 keywords (combinations) based on the intercepted WeChat messages which were written in English. I was a bit surprised to see my full name "Victor Gevers" in this generated English list. 维克多 葛弗斯 was not in the Chinese keyword list.
BIG NEWS: I'm excited to announce the full copy (all 266 pages) of 'Kubernetes Patterns' e-book is available for #FREE! In the spirit of #opensource, this is our (@ro14nd & I) contrition to the @kubernetesio ecosystem. Thank you @RedHat making it happen❗️ https://t.co/NUQr41MS7F