

  • Published on
    今天来讲一讲TCP 的 TIME_WAIT 的问题。这个问题尽人皆知,不过,这次遇到的是不太一样的场景,前两天也解决了,正好写篇文章,顺便把 TIME_WAIT 的那些事都说一说。对了,这个场景,跟我开源的探活小工具 EaseProbe 有关,我先说说这个场景里的问题,然后,顺着这个场景跟大家好好说一下这个事
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    Why do you need to place your servers geographically close to your users? One of the reasons is to achieve lower latencies. That makes a lot of sense when you are sending short bursts of data that should be delivered as quickly as possible. But what about large files, such as videos? Surely there is a latency penalty for receiving the first byte, but shouldn’t it be smooth sailing after that?
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    这个不是很清楚。正在看 https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html 刚好提到 Event Replay,Event Replay: If we find a past event was incorrect, we can compute the consequences by reversing it and later events and then replaying the new event and later events. (Or indeed by throwing away the application state and replaying all events with the correct event in sequence.) The same technique can handle events received in the wrong sequence - a common problem with systems that communicate with asynchronous messaging.