Free Python course materials! I put in a FOIA request to the NSA for their Python training materials and got back a 400-page printout of their COMP 3321 training course. So, I scanned and OCR'd it. Here is a PDF (warning: 118 MB)
Hi all, today we are going to share a new paper about druid. It's related to the previous share about scuba. They are all column-oriented database storage. Like scuba, The Druid database also has an in-memory data storage strategy.
We introduced a memory database named scuba. In this paper, the author introduces a new memory storage layout to use column-oriented storage for better compression and faster query execution strategies. they reference lots of database design include Dremel Powerdrill etc.
BIG NEWS: I'm excited to announce the full copy (all 266 pages) of 'Kubernetes Patterns' e-book is available for #FREE! In the spirit of #opensource, this is our (@ro14nd & I) contrition to the @kubernetesio ecosystem. Thank you @RedHat making it happen❗️